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river-14 A tug pushes barges up-river. river-13 bayou-20 We're entering bayou country in the vast Mississippi delta off the main dredged river ship channel. river-19 The edge of the delta is oil-rig territory. river-18 An assembled oil platform ready to be floated out. river-31 The World Trade Mart (right). river-53 Ruth at a bayou destination.  She's holding Spanish moss. bayou-05 Whoever carved this was looking for some kind of fox. bayou_Ruth-32 Captain Ruth. bayou_Ruth-01 Careful!  Ruth is pointing to a fire-ant mound. bayou-17 Entering the bayous. bayou-24 bayou-23 bayou-22 bayou-21 bayou-28 Spanish moss bayou-27 bayou-26 bayou-25 bayou-04 Christian Indian cemetary, Lafayette LA. bayou-03 bayou-02 It also makes a great horror movie location! bayou-30 bayou-29 cemetary-35 Cemetaries in New Orleand are famous because the city is below the level of the sea and the river and Lake Ponchartrain.  Graves fill with water, so the dead are interred in krypts. cemetary-34