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The Baltimore Covered Bridge: This Town Lattice Truss bridge, with arched portals, originally crossed the Great Brook in North Springfield on the road leading to the small town of Baltimore, Vermont. The thirty-seven foot long bridge was built in 1870 by Granville Leland and Dennis Allen. In 1970 the bridge was moved to its present location, adjacent to the Eureka Schoolhouse, by Milton S. Graton and dedicated in memory of U.S. Senator Ralph E. Flanders who was actively involved in preserving the bridge and the schoolhouse.
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ExhibitPlus 06 The Baltimore Covered Bridge: This Town Lattice Truss bridge, with arched portals, originally crossed the Great Brook in North Springfield on the road leading to the small town of Baltimore, Vermont. The thirty-seven foot long bridge was built in 1870 by Granville Leland and Dennis Allen. In 1970 the bridge was moved to its present location, adjacent to the Eureka Schoolhouse, by Milton S. Graton and dedicated in memory of U.S. Senator Ralph E. Flanders who was actively involved in preserving the bridge and the schoolhouse.

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