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01-Ruth 02-map 03-sunset 04-George_Town 05-road 06-hibiscus 07-hibiscus 08-bougainvilla 08-lantana 10
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ExhibitPlus 02-map We stayed at the Tortuga Club, on the east end of the island.  This map of the island was on the wall.  In the years since we've visited, the island has become an over-developed off-shore banking haven. [Wikipedia: Grand Cayman is the largest of the three Cayman Islands at about 196 km² and contains the capital George Town. Towns on the island are referred to as
We stayed at the Tortuga Club, on the east end of the island. This map of the island was on the wall. In the years since we've visited, the island has become an over-developed off-shore banking haven. [Wikipedia: Grand Cayman is the largest of the three Cayman Islands at about 196 km² and contains the capital George Town. Towns on the island are referred to as "districts". It is located at 19°20′N 81°13′W. The island is a high-lying cow reef, with a highest elevation of roughly 400 meters above sea level. There is no natural fresh water (lakes, rivers, etc) on the island, so any fresh water needs must be met by catchments or desalination of seawater. The lack of rivers does however account for the exceptional clarity of the sea. The island was devastated by Hurricane Ivan in 2004 from September 11 to September 12. With Category 5 strength, Ivan passed within 30 miles of Grand Cayman, hitting it with winds over 180 mph (290 km/h) and gusts up to 200mph. The island reported no more than a few deaths - none directly caused by the hurricane - but over 80% of the buildings were either damaged or completely destroyed. Ivan was the worst hurricane to hit the island in 86 years.]

01-Ruth 02-map 03-sunset 04-George_Town 05-road 06-hibiscus 07-hibiscus 08-bougainvilla 08-lantana 10
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