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The only photo I was able to take from horseback. I had imagined that we'd be riding around the country on American western-style saddles, and that I would be taking photos of the countryside. Instead, we received an actual lesson in English-style riding, which terrified me. There's no saddle horn, I needed proper boots because my footwear slid forward in the stirrups causing them to hurt my ankles, and the horses were tall and quite spirited and I felt totally out of control. And the horses responded only to British commands such as "walk on".
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ExhibitPlus 7 The only photo I was able to take from horseback. I had imagined that we'd be riding around the country on American western-style saddles, and that I would be taking photos of the countryside.  Instead, we received an actual lesson in English-style riding, which terrified me.  There's no saddle horn, I needed proper boots because my footwear slid forward in the stirrups causing them to hurt my ankles, and the horses were tall and quite spirited and I felt totally out of control. And the horses responded only to British commands such as

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