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Jed. He also knew the trick repertoire that Ranger has. He became diabetic, and we had him on insulin for five years (the vet said two years was the usual limit). He first knew the tricks by hand signal, so it was comic when I would say one thing had he would do another according to my signal. When diabetic glaucoma took his sight, he re-learned the tricks that did not require sight by voice command, and happily did them up until his health declined.
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jed  [43 of 77] ExhibitPlus jed Jed.  He also knew the trick repertoire that Ranger has. He became diabetic, and we had him on insulin for five years (the vet said two years was the usual limit). He first knew the tricks by hand signal, so it was comic when I would say one thing had he would do another according to my signal. When diabetic glaucoma took his sight, he re-learned the tricks that did not require sight by voice command, and happily did them up until his health declined.